When are you allowed to work in Slovakia?
If you are a citizen of Ukraine and have been granted entry across the Slovak border, you can either spend up to 90 days on a short stay or apply for either temporary protection or asylum. It is preferable for people from Ukraine to apply for temporary protection rather than asylum in light of the current situation.

If your biometric passport is current, you are allowed to stay in Slovakia and the Schengen Area for 90 days.
If you are staying during this period with relatives, friends or acquaintances, you are required to register the address with the Foreign Police within three (3) working days of entry (download the form HERE). The person providing you with accommodation will handle the registration for you if you are staying in a hotel, pension or private accommodation (Zimmer Frei).
However, you are not allowed to work or run your own business if you are staying in Slovakia and have no visa.
Right of asylum means protection of a foreign national against persecution on grounds set out in either the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees or the Constitution of the Slovak Republic.
Asylum can be requested:
- Upon entering Slovakia at any border crossing police station; or
- After entering Slovakia at any police station established at any reception center, such as in Humenné.
A decision regarding asylum will be made within 90 days of having requested it.
You are entitled to remain in Slovakia while your request for asylum is being processed. At the end of your stay in a reception center, you will either be placed in a residential camp or allowed to remain outside of it. The ministry may place anybody seeking asylum in an integration center for the necessary period.
He or she will be provided with accommodation, meals and basic hygiene needs at no charge while staying in a reception or integration center.
An applicant for asylum staying at a reception or integration center will receive pocket money.
During this time, he or she can choose to attend a Slovak language course and any related expenses will be covered by the competent ministry.
If you have applied for asylum, you and your spouse can work while Ukraine is under a state of emergency, but you cannot run your own business. You can only work within Slovakia.
Once you have been granted asylum or refugee status, you can be employed or run your own business, and you will be covered by public health insurance. You can only work or run your own business within Slovakia.
Temporary protection is granted to protect foreign nationals from war, consequences of a humanitarian disaster or widespread human rights violations in their country of origin. This is the fastest form of protection that can be provided and it ensures a foreign national access to accommodation, food, health care, while allowing them to stay and work in Slovakia.
Temporary protection will be provided to you immediately upon registration if you can prove your identity with either a passport or identification card. If you have no documents on your person, your application for temporary protection will be decided shortly thereafter, usually within about 30 days. Accommodation, food, emergency medical care and sanitary articles will be provided to you right away.
Once your case has been handled, you will receive a residence permit marked DOČASNÉ ÚTOČISKO [TEMPORARY PROTECTION]. (If your documents say ODÍDENEC [DISPLACED PERSON], there is no cause for worry). For the time being, temporary protection is granted for the period until 4 March 2023.
In light of the current situation, it is preferable for people from Ukraine to apply for temporary protection rather than asylum.
Any person that has been granted temporary protection can move freely within Slovakia, travel to another EU member state and even can travel anytime to Ukraine and return back to Slovakia. Should you opt to return to Ukraine with no intention of returning to Slovakia as a displaced person, you will need to expressly withdraw your temporary protection status in a written request to the Migration Office, Ministry of Interior, Pivonkova 6, 812 72 Bratislava.
Where can I request temporary protection?
In person at any of the large-capacity centers operating non-stop at the locations below:
- Humenné: Chemlonská 7
- Michalovce: Športová 31
- Nitra: Akademická 4
In person at departments of the Foreign Police handling applications to be registered for temporary protection:
- Monday to Friday, 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Saturday and Sunday, 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
or electronically: Registering for temporary protection
Request for a temporary protection
Bezprostredne po udelení štatútu dočasného útočiska máte prístup k týmto službám:
Once you cross the border, there will be government and non-government organization representatives helping you with information on accommodation. Emergency accommodation will be provided for ten days to anyone that requests it. Please arrange for temporary protection within the ten days, or else you will have to leave the emergency accommodation. More information about available accommodation can be found at
If you need to be re-accommodated, contact the district office. It will check your displaced person status, where you last stayed and book you into new accommodation. Report any change in address to the municipality or city where you have moved. When reporting the change, please provide with the report proof of accommodation (solemn declaration, affirmation that accommodation has been provided in lieu of an oath from all owners of the property or a rental agreement concluded with the owner(s), or a confirmation from the lodging establishment that accommodation has been provided).
Residents of Ukraine that have been granted temporary protection have the same access to the labor market as Slovak citizens (except for civil servant jobs). You can be employed either under an employment contract or by agreement.
You can get information about job vacancies and employment opportunities in Slovakia from the Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family. This information is also available in the Ukrainian language at:
Free transport is provided on all ZSSK trains (except InterCity trains). You can also get free transport on intercity buses marked “bezplatná preprava” [free transport] on a yellow-blue background and also in Ukrainian.
You will be treated and receive any necessary medical care if you have any health problems. Anybody applying for asylum or temporary protection is entitled to urgent indicated medical care, including whatever a doctor’s examination recommends.
If you are applying for temporary protection, you are entitled to medicines, medical supplies and dietetic foods at no extra charge. You are entitled to urgent and necessary indicated medical care. This is any healthcare recommended after a physical examination by a doctor. Outpatient emergency care is available in any region or city, or at any hospital reception center. Contacts: For more information, including contact details for physicians and dentists, please visit
Visit any kindergarten, primary or secondary school where you would like your child to attend. Then submit an application to the school’s director to be enrolled there. If your child is enrolled in the school, the director will arrange for him or her to take language courses.
For higher education, contact the specific university for admission guidance. All important information about education in Slovakia can be found at
You can apply for material hardship at any office of labor, social affairs and family or large- capacity center. Assistance in case of material hardship is provided in the month following the month when you applied for it.